Purchase by Cheque

You can print this registration form in most browsers by selecting Print from the File menu.  For information about online registration by credit card, please see online registration.

To order by cheque, complete and send this registration form with the cheque to:

High Criteria Inc.
4 Geranium Court
Richmond Hill, ON
Canada, L4C 7M7

Payment must be made in Canadian or US Dollars. Hand writing the words "US Dollars" on an out-of-country cheque is often not accepted. Any cheques written to non-Canadian or non-US banks, must have a US or Canadian correspondent bank and the name of this correspondent bank must appear on the cheque.

High Criteria cannot accept U.S. Postal Service money orders. Those customers wishing to make such a purchase should use our Alternate Payment Methods page and specify that they want to pay by cheque, bank transfer or cash

High Criteria cannot accept eurocheques under any circumstances.

If you are based in Europe and would like to make your payment in Euros, or you would prefer to use a payment company based in both Europe and North America, then follow this link to our Alternative Payment Methods page.

You may send international postal money orders in Canadian or US Dollars. If you are sending a postal money order, be sure to send your contact information separately. You must include a reference within the separate contact information that will cross-reference the money order. Most money orders will have a reference number and this this can be used for identification purposes. High Criteria cannot validate a money order purchase, without a valid cross-reference to the money order payment.

Although High Criteria discourages the sending of cash through the mail, we do accept cash purchases. Anyone sending cash does so at their own risk. High Criteria will not be responsible, in any way, for purchases made by cash. 

Regardless of your method of payment, BE SURE TO PROVIDE SUFFICIENT CONTACT INFORMATION with your cheque or money order. Without the contact information, High Criteria has no way to confirm your purchase.

Choose an amount                              ____ US Dollars

you are going to pay:                      or ____ Canadian Dollars

add GST if applicable:                     or ____ Canadian Dollars
(Canadian residents only)

Name: (PRINT)         ______________________ Date: ____________

Company:            ________________________________________

Address:              ________________________________________  

City, State, Zip:  ________________________________________

Country:             ________________________________________

Day Phone:         _________________ Eve: __________________

E-mail address: (PRINT)____________________________________ (Important!)


High Criteria considers all customer information confidential and will not share or distribute such information to any third party.

When we receive your payment, we will send you an email with the registration code. Be careful when you print your E-mail address on this form. If you do not feel comfortable revealing your E-mail address, do not provide one and your registration will be sent by mail.